Hand Over Revolving Door Maintenance to Professionals

Revolving door injuries are more frequent than you realise. These injuries are more prevalent than the injuries resulting from automatic swing doors and automatic sliding doors. There were two cases, recently, regarding injuries resulting from revolving doors. The management or the responsible personnel didn't perform daily inspection checks of the doors. This is critically important but daily checks are difficult to perform and thus, it can lead to multiple accidents and result in injuries.

A store worker was going in through the revolving door to come out of the building. For the CCTV surveillance video, another person was trying to enter using the same door, at the same time, from the other side of the door. He was approaching the door just when the worker was about to reach the fixed side of the drum. The worker, was completely lost in conversation with another worker and was unaware of the man approaching from the other side. While neither of them paid any heed, the caused the door to move in opposite directions at the same time. This resulted in the accident and both parties were considerably injured.

The best way to avoid these accidents would be to ask a professional to take over the revolving door maintenance duties. They can keep the door in prim and proper condition and the accidents would be less. They can take care of other parts of the door as well. The moving metal parts are often damaged which doesn't allow the door to move smoothly.

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